2015: Evaluation of micro-earthquake de-noising using wavelet decomposition. G-Akis Tselentis and Paraskevas Paraskevopoulos, University of Patras Seismological Lab; Nick Russill, LandTech-Geophysics; Rob McDonald, LandTech-Geophysics; Sotirios Kapotas, LandTech-Geophysics. Jaipur 2015 |
2015: New advances in passive seismic tomography from instrumentation to data processing and interpretation – some examples. A.Tselentis Greek Geodynamic Institute, S. Kapotas Landtech Group, N. Germenis Landtech Geophysics, N. Russil, Landtech Geophysics, Sharma Uniquegeo, V. Bhardwaj Avantgeo. SEG (OCTOBER 2015) |
2013: A new automatic S-onset detection technique. Application in microseismic data analysis. A. Lois, E. Sokos, N. Martakis, P.paraskevopoulos and G-A Tselentis. Geophysics, VOL. 78, NO. 1 (JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2013); P. KS1–KS11 |
2012: Imaging a Hydrocarbon Field in SE Albania using Seismic Interferometry and Passive Seismic Tomography. N. Martakis, P. Paraskevopoulos, G-A. Tselentis and R. Sanjey. GEO2012, Bahrain. |
2012: A strategy for automated analysis of passive microseismic data based on S-transform, Otsu’s thresholding and higher order statistics. G-A Tselentis, N. Martakis, P. Paraskevopoulos, A. Lois, and E. Sokos, Geophysics, VOL. 77, NO. 6 (NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2012); P. KS43–KS54 |
2012: Seismic investigation of bauxite lences ahead of the galleries at a bauxite mine - Central Greece. G-A Tselentis,P. Paraskevopoulos,N. Martakis, , Geophysics, In Press. |
2011: High resolution passive seismic tomography for 3D velocity, Poisson and Qp structure at Delvina hydrocarbon field - S. Albania. G-A. Tselentis N. Martakis, P. Paraskevopoulos and A. Lois GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 76, NO. 3, P. B89–B112. |
2011: A method for microseismic event detection and P-phase picking. G-A. Tselentis, N. Martakis, P. Paraskevopoulos, T. Lois and T. Sokos. SEG San Antonio , Annual Meeting |
2011: Higher Order Statistics Based Pickers' Evaluation, Using Data from a Micrsoseismic Network. G-A. Tselentis, P. Paraskevopoulos, A. Lois & N. Martakis. Third Passive Seismic Workshop – Actively Passive! 27-30 March 2011, Athens, Greece |
2011: Results of a Preliminary Test Investigation on the Applicability of Passive Seismic Tomography in VC Block -Assam, India. R. Sinha, N. Martakis, A. Tselentis and P. paraskevopoulos. The 2nd South Asain Geoscience Conference and Exhibition,GEOIndia, 12-14th Jan,Gearter Noida,New Delhi,India |
2011: High Resolution Passive Seismic Tomography- a NEW Exploration Tool for Hydrocarbon Investigation, Recent Results from a Successful Case History in Albania. N. Martakis, G-A. Tselentis and P. Paraskevopoulos presented in GEONDIA 2011. |
2009: Seismic Attenuation Assessment in Passive Seismic Investigations Using Pulse Width Analysis and Considering Source Effects. G-A. Tselentis, P. Paraskevopoulos, N. Martakis, A. Serpetsidaki & E. Sokos, Workshop on Passive Seismic, Limassol, Cyprus, 22-25 March 2009 |
2007: Evaporite mapping using high resolution passive seismic tomography and Kohonen neural networks. G-A. Tselentis, N. Martakis, P. Paraskevopoulos and S. Kapotas, Extended abstracts of the 69th annual EAGE conference, June 11-14, London. |
2007: Local high resolution passive seismic tomography and Kohonen neural networks, application at the Rio-Antirrio Strait, Central Greece. Tselentis, G-A. Serpetsidaki, A. Martakis, N. Sokos, E. Paraskevopoulos, P and Kapotas, S., Geophysics, Vol. 72, (4) B93-B106 JUL-AUG 2007. |
2006: Seismicity And Seismotectonics In Epirus, Western Greece: Results From A Microearthquake Survey. G-A. Tselentis, E. Sokos, N. Martakis And A. Serpetsidaki., Bulletin Of The Seismological Society Of America, Vol. 96, No. 5, 1706-1717. |
2006: A New Passive Tomography Of The Aigion Area (Gulf Of Corinth, Greece) From The 2002 Data Set. S. Gautier, D. Latorre, J. Virieux, A. Deschamps, C. Skarpelos, A. Sotiriou, A. Serpetsidaki, And A. Tselentis., Pure Appl. Geophys. 163, 431-453. |
2006: Integrated passive seismic acquisition and methodology. Case Studies. Nikos Martakis, Sotiris Kapotas and G-Akis Tselentis, Geophysical Prospecting, 2006, 54, 829–847. |
2004: Passive Seismic Acquisition, Methodology & Operational Overlook. N. Martakis, S. Kapotas, G-Akis Tselentis, EAGE Fall Research Workshop On Advances In Seismic Acquisition Technology, Rhodes, Greece, 19 - 23 September. |
2003: Passive Seismic Tomography A Complementary Geophysical Method: Successful Case Study. N. Martakis, S. Kapotas And G-Akis Tselentis, EAGE 65th Conference & Exhibition-Stavanger, Norway, 2 - 5 June. |
2003: Case Study In NW Greece Of Passive Seismic Tomography: A New Tool For Hydrocarbon Exploration. Kapotas, S., Tselentis G-A., & Martakis, N., First Break, 21, 37-42. |
2002: Hydrocarbon Exploration With Passive Seismic Tomography. Tselentis G-A., Kapotas S. And Martakis N., SEG, Huston, Sept. |
2002: Application Of A High-Resolution Seismic Investigation In A Greek Coal Mine. Tselentis G-A., And Paraskevopoulos P., Geophysics 67, No1,50-59. |
2000: Exploration In NW Greece With Application Of Passive Seismic Tomography. EAGE Conference Geology And Petroleum Geology Of The Mediterranean And Circum-Mediterranean Basins. Karageorgi E., Tselentis G-A,' Mitchelini A., Malta 1-4 October |