Professors Akis Tselentis and Oz Yilmaz at LandTech’s Booth during SEG 2012 Lass Vegas annual meeting.
LandTech’s booth at SEG Las Vegas 2012 with the new Ocean Bottom Seismograph (to the left) which was introduced for first time. Instrument capsule (glass) and protecting capsule (yellow plastic) can be seen.
LandTech's Principal scientific advisor receiving a prize after his presentation "New advances in Passive Seismic Tomography" Jaipur-India 4-7 Dec. 2015
Dr. Konstantinou from Vincy borehole instruments talking with Prof. Tselentis at Landtech's booth, Jaipur-India, Dec. 2015
Prof. Tselentis, principal scientific advisor of Landtech presenting the intricacies of Passive Seismic Tomography at a group of Geophysicist of the Chinese Seismological Center, at Beijing, Nov. 2015.