Shallow Seismic Reflection
For about seven decades seismic reflection techniques have been successfully used to investigate subsurface features for petroleum exploration. In the last 15 years, however, this method has been applied to solve engineering and environmental problems as a result of new equipments and advances in processing techniques, besides decreased cost that made it a very cost-effective approach.
LandTech ranks among the few geophysical contractors specializing in high resolution seismic reflection and refraction prospecting. As a result of its research efforts and its comprehensive practical experience, LandTech commands a leading edge in geophysical near surface prospecting. |
Common applications of seismic reflection surveying which LandTech provide include:
- Characterizing geology for site investigations.
- Designing/locating remedial system by identifying migration pathways.
- Detecting and mapping contaminants (DNAPL, LNAPL, fuels, hydrocarbons, salts).
- Mapping landfills.
- Locating underground storage facilities or waste disposal sites.
- Provides density of data required for decisions about technical Impracticability or natural attenuation.
- Imaging Voids / Sinkholes.
- Mapping geology for tunnel investigations.
- Identifying geological risks (faults, sinkholes) for construction projects.
- Imaging top of bedrock.
- Rippability surveys.
Water Resources
- Locating water wells in fractured rock aquifers.
- Mapping stratigraphic units to determine aquifer volumes.
- Positioning wells for reinjection projects.
- Mapping potential fluid migration pathways that produce ore deposits.
- Tunneling studies.
- Delineation of ore deposits.
- Identifying salt deposits.
- Mapping coal.
Emerging Technologies
- Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) discrimination.
- Archeological investigations.
LandTech has performed many shallow seismic reflection surveys in various countries. Click here to download a project sheet concerning a high seismic reflection survey for geotechnical purposes at the city of Makah S.Arabia.
Click here to download a project sheet concerning a high seismic reflection survey for coal exploration